Cookies policy

What are cookies?

Cookie information is stored in the browser of your computer or mobile device by the website. Cookies are used in order to improve user experience by recognising you when you return to our website, as well as understanding which content is more relevant to you. They also help you pre-fill forms and save passwords.

How do we use cookies?

SARA project’s website uses Google Analytics to collect and analyse anonymous information about user activity on the website. This data will not be shared with third parties except projects partners.

How to control cookies?

You can control and/or delete cookies as you wish. You can delete all cookies that are already on your computer and you can set most browsers to prevent them from being placed.

Most browsers allow you to:

  • see what cookies you’ve got and delete them on an individual basis
  • block third party cookies
  • block cookies from particular sites
  • block all cookies from being set
  • delete all cookies when you close your browser

If you chose to delete cookies, you should be aware that any preferences will be lost. Also, if you block cookies completely, many websites might not work properly.

SARA project website uses cookies to improve the user experience.